Evil eye pendant
Said to keep the evil away
But I don’t know if this makes a difference, but on this particular day, these were taken in Freeport Bahamas, and they were calling my name from the ship. But I didn’t miss it😘😘😘. I say, as well as keeps the evil away they keep bad luck away
Said to keep the evil away
But I don’t know if this makes a difference, but on this particular day, these were taken in Freeport Bahamas, and they were calling my name from the ship. But I didn’t miss it😘😘😘. I say, as well as keeps the evil away they keep bad luck away
Said to keep the evil away
But I don’t know if this makes a difference, but on this particular day, these were taken in Freeport Bahamas, and they were calling my name from the ship. But I didn’t miss it😘😘😘. I say, as well as keeps the evil away they keep bad luck away