Polish snowflake obsidian, 101 g
Snowflake obsidian
Said to provide
Attunement to spiritual
Past life
Connection with the root and third eye chakra
Support, spiritual healing of cancer
Encourages receptivity to healing
helps one dispell victim consciousness inspires belief in one self
Increases psychic sensitivity
Past life, recall, awareness and synchronicity‘s
And traveled all the way to Greenland kissed by the Greenland son volcanic rock
Snowflake obsidian
Said to provide
Attunement to spiritual
Past life
Connection with the root and third eye chakra
Support, spiritual healing of cancer
Encourages receptivity to healing
helps one dispell victim consciousness inspires belief in one self
Increases psychic sensitivity
Past life, recall, awareness and synchronicity‘s
And traveled all the way to Greenland kissed by the Greenland son volcanic rock
Snowflake obsidian
Said to provide
Attunement to spiritual
Past life
Connection with the root and third eye chakra
Support, spiritual healing of cancer
Encourages receptivity to healing
helps one dispell victim consciousness inspires belief in one self
Increases psychic sensitivity
Past life, recall, awareness and synchronicity‘s
And traveled all the way to Greenland kissed by the Greenland son volcanic rock