Scorpio Red 5 x 7 leather journal grimoire
October 23 to November 21 scorpio babies
This is hand, stamped with a plate and mallet on leather
100 handmade pages of paper sewn into the spine
That’s 200 pages to write draw or paint on
The perfect family heirloom grimoire book for the Scorpio in your life
A double clasp closure in the front
October 23 to November 21 scorpio babies
This is hand, stamped with a plate and mallet on leather
100 handmade pages of paper sewn into the spine
That’s 200 pages to write draw or paint on
The perfect family heirloom grimoire book for the Scorpio in your life
A double clasp closure in the front
October 23 to November 21 scorpio babies
This is hand, stamped with a plate and mallet on leather
100 handmade pages of paper sewn into the spine
That’s 200 pages to write draw or paint on
The perfect family heirloom grimoire book for the Scorpio in your life
A double clasp closure in the front